List of Selected Citations*

* Citations are based on the Science Citation Index and Social Science Citation Index, ISI, except when marked by an asterisk; citations (co-) authored by Knut M. Wittkowski are listed under Publications


[1] VOLK OK (1986) Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis 38


[2] STAUD JL (1987) Nachrichten für Dokumentation 38


3 * FRÖSNER-GG (1988) Modellrechnungen mit ungesicherten Annahmen kein Ersatz für die Erhebung epidemiologischer Daten-Anmerkungen zu zwei Publikationen von Knut Wittkowski. AIDS-Forschung 3 :8-10


[4] HAUX ,   R .   Statistische Expertensysteme. Biometrie und Informatik in Medizin und Biologie 20 : 3-63 (with discussion)

5 * HILGERS-R (1989) Prädiktive Werte von HIV-Tests. Prävalenz vs. Individualrisiko. AIDS-Forschung 4 :408-415


[6] [ANONYMOUS] (1990) Barriers and boundaries. Lancet 335 :1497-1480

[7] CATES W (1990) Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, and epidemiology. Past lessons, present knowledge, and future opportunities. American Journal of Epidemiology 131 :749-758

[8] HUDSON CP (1990) How AIDS forces reappraisal of hepatitis-B virus control in sub-saharan Africa. Lancet 336 :1364-1367

[9] KAISER R; DORRIES R; TERMEULEN J; KIDENYA JJ; POLLATH M; FLEISCHER K; TERMEULEN V (1990) Serologic evidence of human immunodeficiency virus-infection of the central nervous-system in African patients with acquired-immunodeficiency-syndrome. European Neurology 30 :27-31

[10] MOLLER AA (1990) [Psychiatric aspects of the HIV infection] Nervenarzt , 61 :519-526


[11] ENZENSBERGER R; BRAUN W; JULY C; HELM EB; DOERR HW (1991) Prevalence of antibodies to human herpesviruses and hepatitis-B virus in patients at different stages of human-immunodeficiency-virus (HIV) infection. Infection 19 :140-145

12 ] LEHMANN HP, 1986, Comput M P , 35 :251

[13] FORDYCE EJ, BLUM S, BALANON A, STONEBURNER RL (1991) A method for estimating HIV transmission rates among female sex partners of male intravenous drug users. American Journal of Epidemiology 133 :590-598

[14] VOELLER B (1991) AIDS and heterosexual anal intercourse. Archives of Sexual Behavior


[15] CHAPMAN S (1992) Dogma disputed: potential endemic heterosexual transmission of human immunodeficiency virus in Australia Australian Journal of Public Health 16

16 ] FRÖSCHL-KA (1992) Formalizing statistical analysis - Approaches and prospects. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 585 :225-238

[17] STARY A; KOPP W; HELLERVITOUCH C (1992) Coincidence of hepatitis-B-virus markers and other sexually-transmitted diseases in different STD-risk groups. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie - International Journal of Medical Microbiology 276 :548-555

[18] STRUVE J (1992) Hepatitis-B virus-infection among Swedish adults - aspects on seroepidemiology, transmission, and vaccine response. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 82 :1-57

[19] UITENBROEK-DG, MCQUEEN-DV: Changing Patterns in Reported Sexual Practices in the Population - Multiple Partners and Condom Use. AIDS 1992, 6 :587-592


20 ] DOENICKE A; MAYER M; VOGGINGER T (1993) Postoperative pain therapy - the effectiveness of a serotonin antagonist (gr-38032f or ondansetron) and the inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis lysin acetylsalicylate. Anaesthesist 42 :800-806

[21] GAVURA VV (1993) [Viral hepatitis-B and AIDS]. Klinicheskaya Meditsina 71 :15-19

[22] POTVIN-C, ROFF-DA (1993) Distribution-free and robust statistical methods - viable alternatives to parametric statistics. Ecology 74 :1617- 16 28

[23] WEISS SH, WESTON CB, QUIRINALE J (1993) Safe sex? Misconceptions, gender differences and barriers among injection drug users: a focus group approach. AIDS Education and Prevention

[24] ZEKENG ,   L . FELDBLUM ,   P . J . OLIVER ,   R . M . KAPTUE ,   L. (1993) Barrier contraceptive use and HIV infection among high-risk women in Cameroon. AIDS 7 :725- 7 31


[25] DIETZ ,  K . SEYDEL ,  J . SCHWARTLÄNDER ,  B . (1994) Backprojection of German AIDS data using information on dates of tests. Statistics in Medicine 13 :1991-2008


[26] ELIAS CJ, HEISE LL: Nonoxynol-9: the need for policy in the face of uncertainty. AIDS 9 :311-2

[27] HARTWIG CH, REHAK L, MILZ S, BENNER KU, KÜSSWETTER W, WILLMANN G (1995) The Implant Fixation Properties of Titanium Experimental Devices of Differing Surface Texture in Metaphyseal Canine Bone - A Biomechanical and Histological Analysis. Biomed Tech ; 40 :99-105

[28] KOGALOVSKII MR (1995) Statistical databases. Programming and Computer Software 32 :82- 8 9

[29] ROBERTSON-BJ: Sexual behaviour and risk of exposure to HIV among 18-25-year-olds in Scotland: assessing change 1988-1993. AIDS 1995 9 :285-292


[30] [ANONYMOUS] (1996) Drug-resistance in cytomegalovirus - current knowledge and implications for patient-management - proceedings based on a round-table meeting convened by Beth-Israel-hospital and Harvard medical-school and held in Boston, Massachusetts, November 18, 1995 - Introduction. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes and Human Retrovirology 12 :S1-S22

[31] BOECKH M; GOOLEY TA; MYERSON D; CUNNINGHAM T; SCHOCH G; BOWDEN RA (1996) Cytomegalovirus pp65 antigenemia-guided early treatment with ganciclovir versus ganciclovir at engraftment after allogeneic marrow transplantation - a randomized double-blind-study. Blood 88 :4063-4071

[32] BOURINBAIAR, A.S., FRUHSTORFER, E.C. (1996) The efficacy of nonoxynol-9 from an in vitro point of view. AIDS 10 :558-559

[33] COAKLEY-CW, HEISE-MA: Versions of the Sign Test in the Presence of Ties. Biometrics 1996 52 :1242-1251

[34] COURIEL D; CANOSA J; ENGLER H; COLLINS A; DUNBAR C; BARRETT AJ (1996) Early reactivation of cytomegalovirus and high-risk of interstitial pneumonitis following t-depleted BMT for adults with hematological malignancies. Bone Marrow Transplantation 18 :347-353

[35] DELMONTE P; LAZZAROTTO T; RIPALTI A; LANDINI MP (1996) Human cytomegalovirus infection: A complex diagnostic problem in which molecular biology has induced a rapid evolution. Intervirology 39 :193-203

[36] DIX SP; WINGARD JR (1996) Management of viral-infections in bone-marrow transplant recipients. Clinical Immunotherapeutics 6 :352-382

[37] GOZLAN J; LAPORTE JP; LESAGE S; LABOPIN M; NAJMAN A; GORIN NC; PETIT JC (1996) Monitoring of cytomegalovirus-infection and disease in bone-marrow recipients by reverse transcription-PCR and comparison with PCR and blood and urine cultures. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 34 :2085-2088

[38] HEBART H; MULLER C; LOFFLER J; JAHN G; EINSELE H (1996) Monitoring of CMV infection - a comparison of PCR from whole-blood, plasma-PCR, pp65-antigenemia and virus culture in patients after bone-marrow transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 17 :861-868

[39] HUTCHINSON-TP (1996) On the generalized Friedman test. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 21 :473-476

[40] LJUNGMAN P (1996) Cytomegalovirus infections in transplant patients. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Supplement 100 :59-63

[41] LJUNGMAN P; OBERG G; ASCHAN J; EHRNST A; LONNQVIST B; PAUKSEN K; SULILA P (1996) Foscarnet for preemptive therapy of CMV infection detected by a leukocyte-based nested PCR in allogeneic bone-marrow transplant patients. bone marrow Transplantation 18 :565-568

[42] NEWTON-EAC, FARLEY-JK, GAYLE-C (1996) Back-projection and sensitivity analysis of the HIV-AIDS epidemic in the Caribbean. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 11 :69

43 ] POPPING-R (1996) More agreeable software. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 22 :561-567

[44] REUSSER P (1996) Human cytomegalovirus-infection and disease after bone-marrow and solid-organ transplantation. Baillieres Clinical Infectious Diseases 3 :357-371

[45] REUSSER P (1996) The challenge of cytomegalovirus-infection after bone-marrow transplantation - epidemiology, prophylaxis, and therapy. Bone Marrow Transplantation 18 :107-109

[46] RIMSZA LM; VELA EE; FRUTIGER YM; RANGEL CS; SOLANO M; RICHTER LC; GROGAN TM; BELLAMY WT (1996) Rapid automated combined in-situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry for sensitive detection of cytomegalovirus in paraffin-embedded tissue biopsies. American Journal of Clinical Pathology 106 :544-548

47 ] UNSELD H; KAHNY B (1996) Prevention of postoperative vomiting through the use of histamine-receptor antagonists. Anasthesiologie & Intensivmedizin 37 :29-34

[48] VANDERMEER JTM; DREW WL; BOWDEN RA; GALASSO GJ; GRIFFITHS PD; JABS DA; KATLAMA C; SPECTOR SA; WHITLEY RJ (1996) Summary of the international consensus symposium on advances in the diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis of cytomegalovirus-infection. Antiviral Research 32 :119-140

[49] WALTER EA; GREENBERG PD; RIDDELL SR (1996) Anticytomegalovirus t-cell clones - reply. New England Journal of Medicine 334 :601

WEBB A (1996) British Journal of Family Planning 21

[50] WIRGART BZ; CLAESSON K; ERIKSSON BM; BRUNDIN M; TUFVESON G; TOTTERMAN T; GRILLNER L (1996) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA amplification from plasma compared with CMV pp65 antigen (ppUL83) detection in leukocytes for early diagnosis of symptomatic CMV infection in kidney transplant patients. Clinical And Diagnostic Virology 7 :99-110


[51] ABECASSIS MM; KOFFRON AJ; KAPLAN B; BUCKINGHAM M; MULDOON JP; CRIBBINS AJ; KAUFMAN DB; FRYER JP; STUART J; STUART FP (1997) The role of PCR in the diagnosis and management of CMV in solid organ recipients - What is the predictive value for the development of disease and should PCR be used to guide antiviral therapy? Transplantation 63 :275-279

[52] AKRITAS-MG, ARNOLD-SF, BRUNNER-E (1997) Non-parametric hypotheses and rank statistics for unbal-anced factorial designs. Journal of the American Statistical Association 92 :258-265

[53] DODT KK; JACOBSEN PH; HOFMANN B; MEYER C; KOLMOS HJ; SKINHOJ P; NORRILD B; MATHIESEN L (1997) Development of cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease may be predicted in HIV-infected patients by CMV polymerase chain reaction and the antigenemia test. AIDS 11 :F21-F2

[54] GERARD L; LEPORT C; FLANDRE P; HOUHOU B; SALMONCERON D; PEPIN JM; MANDET C; BRUNVEZINET F; VILDE JL (1997) Cytomegalovirus (CMV) viremia and the CD4(+) lymphocyte count as predictors of CMV disease in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus. Clinical Infectious Diseases 24 :836-840

[55] HEBART H; SCHRODER A; LOFFLER J; KLINGEBIEL T; MARTIN H; WASSMANN B; GERNETH F; RABENAU H; JAHN G; KANZ L; MULLER CA; EINSELE H (1997) Cytomegalovirus monitoring by polymerase chain reaction of whole blood samples from patients undergoing autologous bone marrow or peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation. Journal of Infectious Diseases 175 :1490-1493

[56] HIRA-SK, FELDBLUM-PJ, KAMANGA-J, MUKELABAI-G, WEIR-SS, THOMAS-JC (1997) Condom and nonoxynol-9 use and the incidence of HIV infection in serodiscordant couples in Zambia. International Journal of STD & AIDS 8 :243- 2 50

[57] IMBERTMARCILLE BM; CANTAROVICH D; FERREAUBINEAU V; RICHET B; SOULILLOU JP; BILLAUDEL S (1997) Usefulness of DNA viral load quantification for cytomegalovirus disease monitoring in renal and pancreas/renal transplant recipients. Transplantation 63 : 1476-1481

[58] JACOBS B; MAYAUD P; CHANGALUCHA J; TODD J; KAGINA G; GROSSKURTH H; BEREGE ZA (1997) Sexual transmission of hepatitis B in Mwanza, Tanzania. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 24 :121-126

[59] KOEHLER M; STGEORGE K; EHRLICH GD; MIRRO J; NEUDORF SM; RINALDO C (1997) Prevention of CMV disease in allogeneic BMT recipients by cytomegalovirus antigenemia-guided preemptive ganciclovir therapy. Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology 19 :43-47

[60] LIMAYE AP; BOWDEN RA; MYERSON D; BOECKH M (1997) Cytomegalovirus disease occurring before engraftment in marrow transplant recipients. Clinical Infectious Diseases 24 :830-835

On to: Publications , presentations (citations) of Knut M. Wittkowski

©1996 Knut M. Wittkowski ( Last Updated: 1997-06-26